Saturday 17 March 2012

Final Touches

The filming and re-shoots are long behind us and the post-production is almost finished. Today and tomorrow is the last day of editing before the Little Dice Productions team release their film, Sick Note.

It has been emotional and a wonderful learning experience and myself the producer and the director, Daniel Wright would like to thank all who were involved including our friends, family and the general people of the public.

Friday 9 March 2012

Finishing production - beginning post-production

Most of the filming has now been complete and only two scenes are left to do including the scene where Peter leaves the house to visit the first friend and also the final dinner scene with his girlfriend.

Some re-shoots will be done aswell once all footage has been uploaded on Avid and has been checked for mistakes.

Editing process has begun today is aiming to be finished by next friday latest.

Recent on-location filming

The past two days have been extremely eventful with the scene involvoving Peter visiting his friend Tom finished, and the 'chase' scene also.

The scene involving Peter visiting his friend Tom begins with him breaking the 'fourth wall' and talking to the audience as he waits for his bus. The next shots were filmed at a friends house, using his kitchen and living room and involve Peter and Tom drinking a few beers, smoking marijuana and playing on the x-box console. The final shot involves Peter remembering he has to get home and cook for his girlfriend for their anniversary followed by a shot of him running out of the house.

The chase scene which took much inspiration from Ferris Bueller's Day Off including a similar scene where the protagonist runs through someones house as a shortcut. It had to be shot just before sunset using 'magic light' to give it more of an edge and also in accord with continuity of the film which happens at the end of the day in the film.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Filming has begun...

The team has so far spent two days filming on locations ranging from Horsforth to Headingley, including TASC campus. The first day was spent shooting the opening scenes of the film all indoors including an important monologue from the protagonist. The second day was spent shooting on TASC university campus for scenes involving the protagonist and one of his three friends portrayed in the film.
The weather has been a little unpredictable but the last couple days of shooting have proven to be wet but dry and effective for bright shots and a more powerful cinematography.

Saturday 3 March 2012

It's not Hip-Hop, It's Electro!

Great scene from the hilarious film Shaun Of The Dead.

This scene inspired the idea of using DJ equipment in the project for similar humour purposes.

New Project - Sick Note

The original project has been dropped due to budget cost and difficult objectives, and the production team have now started a new project. This new project, called Sick Note, is inspired by Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and a take on a working man's day after he decides to call in sick for work. This project moves away from the psychological thriller genre and towards the light-hearted humour of a regular day off.

Saturday 26 November 2011

More inspiration

Here's a clip from Stanley Kubrick's psychological horror film,The Shining. This film has been inspirational to our vision and this clip show effective shots, sound, editing and great acting to portray the films tense and frightening events.