Saturday 26 November 2011

More inspiration

Here's a clip from Stanley Kubrick's psychological horror film,The Shining. This film has been inspirational to our vision and this clip show effective shots, sound, editing and great acting to portray the films tense and frightening events.

Location hunting

Our vision for the film is important and so, finding the right location is imperative. After much searching online and around Leeds, a location has finally been found. This shot is of the corridor where much of the filming and action will take place in the film. We will of course build the perfect mise-en-scene to fit this location.

Friday 25 November 2011

Stop Motion

A technique we are very keen to try out in our film. This doll is a possible candidate for the stop motion scene although we are looking at all kind of items and toys.

Long hours at the office

Planning and researching with the hard working director!


here is a little clip we like the look of. It is a mix of clips from the psychological film Jacobs Ladder.  The 'shaking head' idea at 0:16 was one of the first times used in a film. A very effective technique we wish to do ourselves in our film.

Who are we?

Little Dice Productions is a production team comprising of two Leeds Trinity & All Saints University students, Louis Kern and Daniel Wright. We are both third year film student with a keen love and interest in everything media oriented.